
一说到keep,大家可能都会想到 keep quiet(保持安静),keep silent(保持沉默)或 keep fit(健身,健美,保持健康) 这几个表达,“keep”不就是“保持”嘛,这有什么难!


1.keep clear 2.keep books 3.keep oneself to oneself

4.keep house 5.keep early hours 6.keep a good house

7.keep late hours 8.keep open house 9.keep one's eyes on the ball

10.keep the house

每个单词你都应该看得懂吧,但连在一起的意思是什么呢?怎样使用这些短语或句型呢?这恐怕并不那么简单,这还得我们 learn by heart (用心记住)或 keep them in mind,只有不断地keep your hand in, 才能keep up with others, 不至于落后别人,而输给他人!

OK, let's go straight to the point, 言归正传,看看keep的一些主要用法及句型搭 配。




1.We should keep a high vigilance against SARS. 我们要对非典保持高度的警惕。

2.Will you keep this seat for me? 替我保留这个座位好吗?

3.I'll keep the secret for you. I won't let the cat out of the bag. 我会替你保守秘密的,我不会泄露出去。


1.Will you keep your word? 你说话算数吗?

2.Those who keep regular hours usually live longer. 生活做息很有规律的人一般寿命较长。


1.Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。

2.Keep this end up! 此端朝上!

3.We'll keep you informed. 我们将随时让你知道情况。


1.We keep Spring Festival (Chinese New Year )every year. 我们每年都过春节。

2.Do you keep your birthday every year? 你每年过生日吗?

3.The Islams have the custom of keeping their Ramadan. 伊斯兰教徒有过斋月的习惯。


1.I've my parents and two children to keep. 我赡养父母和两个孩子。

2.It's sons and daughters' duty to keep their parents. 儿女赡养父母是本分。


1.When I retired, I plan to keep pigs. 我退休时,打算养猪。

2.I've kept two watch dogs at home. 我家里养了两条看家狗。


1.A house keeper keeps house. 管家管理家务。

2.My mother keeps open house. 我妈妈非常好客。

3.My grandma is old, so she keeps the house most of the time. 我奶奶年事已高,所以她很少出门。

4.Your wife keeps a good house. 你太太待客周到。


1.He has a habit of keeping a diary. 他有记日记的习惯。

2.Who keeps books for you in your company? 公司里谁为你记账?


1.You've no right to keep me in custody. 你没权拘留我。

2.She is often kept at office by her boss to work overtime. 她经常被老板留在办公室里加班。


1.In such weather milk won't keep long. 在这样的天气,牛奶容易变质。

2.In winter, meat can be kept longer even without a fridge. 在冬天,即使没有冰箱,肉也可以保鲜长一点时间。


1.The matter can't be kept. 这事不能耽搁了。

2.Sorry I can't give you money immediately. It has to be kept for a while. 对不起,我不能马上给你钱,可能得拖一下。


1.Traffic in China keeps to the right. 在中国,车辆靠右边行驶。

2.But in England, traffic keeps to the left. 但在英国,车辆靠左边行驶。



1.keep at(keep on at) 坚持做,(使)不停地做

1.Keep at it! You'll succeed. 坚持做下去,你会成功的!

2.Can you keep on it? 你能坚持吗?

2. keep away(from) 站开,(使)离开

1.Keep away from the sun or you'll get suntanned. 远离阳光,不然你会被晒黑的。

2.If children don't keep away from the deep water, they may easily get drowned. 如果孩子不远离深水,就容易溺死。

3. keep from 阻止,使免于;隐瞒;抑制

1.Keep him from going. It's too late. 别让他去了,太晚了。

2.I had to keep the sad news from my grannie. 我只好向奶奶隐瞒这个噩耗。

3.When I heard the good news, I couldn't keep from laughing. 当我听到这个好消息时,忍不住笑出声来。

4.keep in 抑制,隐瞒,关(小学生)晚学

1.I love her very much, but I have to keep my feelings in. 我很爱她,但又不得不将这份感情埋在心里。

2.It seems the secret will not be able to keep in. 看来这个秘密守不住了。

3.The naughty student was kept in. 那个淘气的学生被关晚学。

5. keep off 让开,不接近;不让……接近,把……驱开

1.Keep off the lawn! 勿踏草地!

2.Keep off women. 不近女色。

3.Keep your hands off the exhibits! 勿用手摸展品!

4.The policemen keep the crowds off the VIP. 警察不让人群接近大人物。

6 keep in touch(with) 与……保持接触(联系)

1.We keep in touch with each other through the internet. 我们通过互联网保持联系。

2.Bon vogage! Keep in touch! 一路顺风!保持联系!

7. keep out 把……关在外面,不准进入

1.Danger! Keep out! 危险!切勿入内!

2.Keep out the dog! 别让狗进来!

8. keep up 保持斗志;坚持;继续;熬夜

1.We must keep up our courage and stick to the end. 我们必须鼓足勇气,坚持到底。

2.They still keep up correspondence with their homestay. 他们仍然和住过的那家人保持通信。

3.The baby crying next door kept me up all night. 隔壁婴儿的啼哭声使我整夜没睡。

4.I keep up my study after graduation from college. 大学毕业后我仍坚持学习。

9.keep up with 跟上,不落在(别人)后面

1.Study hard and keep up with the whole class. 努力学习,跟上全班。

2.I don't keep up with maths. 我数学落在(别人)后面。

10. keep to oneself 保守秘密,不把……告诉人家

1.It's a secret. Keep it to yourself. 这是个秘密,别告诉人家。

2.Keep what I've just told you to yourself. 我刚才对你说的话别跟别人讲。

11.keep an eye on 监视,注意,照看

1.Keep an eye on him, don't let him escape. 盯住他,别让他跑了。

2.Can you keep an eye on my baby? 你能帮我照看一下孩子吗?

12. keep…in mind 记住,牢记

1.Don't worry, I'll keep what you've just said in mind. 别担心,你刚才说的话我会记住的。

2.We should always keep in mind that God helps the most diligent. 我们应时刻牢记:天道酬勤。



1.keep clear 保持车距,保持距离

2.keep early hours 早睡早起

3.keep late hours 晚睡晚起

4.keep one's eye on the ball 专注,专心致志

5.keep a close watch 密切注视,严密监视

6.keep an eye open for 密切注视,严密监视

7.keep one's eye out for 注意,留意,留心

8.keep one's chin up 不怕艰难,勇敢面对现实

9.keep a level head 临危不乱,保持冷静

10.keep one's head 保持镇静,临危不乱

11.keep one's head above water 免于负债,避免借债

12.keep sb. waiting 让某人久等

13.keep one's hand in 不断练习以保持熟练,不致生疏

14.keep one's hands off 别碰……!别摸……!不许动手!

15.keep record 保持纪录

16.keep a record of 记录,记载,把……记录下来

17.keep company with 与……交往,和……亲热

18.keep sb. company 陪伴某人,陪某人一同走

19.keep oneself informed of 不断地了解……

20.keep peace with 与……和睦相处,与……和平共处

21.keep the pot boiling 使保持蓬勃发展;使兴致依然

22.keep track of 记录,了解……的动态

23.keep sth. to a minimum 使某事(物)保持在最低限度

24.keep sth. straight 整顿,拾掇

25.keep a straight face 不露笑容;板着脸孔

26.keep alive 使活着,养活,使生存

27.keep clean 保持干净;保持清白

28.keep a clean tongue 不说下流话

29.keep clean of infection 使不受传染

30.keep a tab on=keep tab(或 tabs)on 记录;记账;检查;监视

31.keep under wraps 保密

32.keep dry 保持干燥,切勿受潮

33.keep cool 保持镇静,冷静

34.keep oneself in bed 卧床不起

35.keep one's tongue between one's teeth 守口如瓶

36.keep one's nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干

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